Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gotta Wake Up Slow...

I have been overly tired this weekend. I worked at the hospital on Saturday, and its a complete energy drain for me. I'm fine during my shift because I'm in "GO" mode, but as soon as I clock out, I'm zapped. I truly was having a hard time not falling asleep at red lights yesterday on my way home. I know that is bad, but that is just how exhausted I was. I was still exhausted even after I took a shower when I got home. That normally will wake me up. But nope, I was basically awake long enough to eat dinner and spend a little time watching some TV with Mike, and then I was out.

I am getting my hair colored today. My friend at work convinced me to just do it, and so I made my appointment on Friday. Because of how exhausted I've been (a.k.a. sleeping as soon as I get home) and with projects I've been working to decorate, I haven't had my normal time to obsess about what I am going to do. My regular colorist is not coming back after all, her leave turned into she quit. :( The last girl I had was ok, she did a good job on the color, but when she was blowing my hair out, I wanted to just take the brush from her and tell her to leave me alone. How do you do this everday, and suck at blow drying someone's hair? Anyway, so I scheduled with a new girl who is the next level up experience-wise (i.e. newbie, not-so-newbie, decent, pro, expert, master lol). So that made me feel a little better about going to someone new.

So, the hair, I have the desire to do something different, but like I said before, I have a hard time committing. So, maybe I'll go all wild-card and let the girl do what she wants. lol

I really haven't had the time to do anymore job searching, and that was just way too depressing last Sunday. I'm still waiting to hear back from my friend's mom-in-law about what changes I can make to my resume, so I guess I'm waiting on that. Census on my floor is so low, we even had some lap appendectomies, and cholecystectomies.....we don't usually see those. I felt bad when my coworkers were talking about being out of paid time off hours because they have been downstaffed so much. I don't have any sick or personal hours to take, and luckily, it doesn't affect me too much when I get flexed (well, I do get SUPER-HAPPY lol). I've accepted that I won't be getting a position there, but now I feel bad that there may be more lay-offs. How awful is that for those that have been there for so long, and now may be forced to look elsewhere? There's not a lot of jobs out for there for patient care techs or unit secretaries, so I feel bad for them. But hopefully now that the main surgeon is supposed to be coming back next week, census will pick back up and the downstaffing will slow down.

Da hubs made some chocolate muffins for us, so the plan for the morning is to enjoy those with some coffee, and freak out on the inside about my hair, lol.

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