Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Running and it Feels Good!

I'm just relaxing after my trip to the gym this morning.  I decided I needed to slow it down a bit.  My Weight Watchers app tells me its only running if I'm going 5 mph or more, and anything less is simply jogging.  So, I've been pushing myself to run 5mph during my intervals, and I've been getting those lovely little pains in my sides.  It made it harder for me to get through my run/walks because its harder to catch my breathe when my side hurts like that.  I accepted that maybe it was a bit too much for me, and slowed down to 4.5 mph.  This is far more agreeable with me, and breathing during my runs is much more manageable now.  It allowed me to run my 1.5 minute intervals today without looking down at my phone to see if I could slow down yet.  I'm still sweating bullets, I'm still putting in an incredible amount of effort while running, so I'm not gonna let it bother me that my Weight Watchers app tells me I'm only jogging.  The important thing here is that I'm building up my endurance, the speed will come later.

Weigh-in on Saturday went well, despite my acceptance that I had to have gained due to my inactivity and eating off plan.  I had actually lost 1.8 pounds!  I'm down 33.4 pounds so far, and it definitely was a boost of motivation for me.  I've gone to the gym or walked everyday from Saturday on.  On the days where I have walked, Mike and I walked 2 hours in the nearby forest preserve.  I found this app that tracks your mileage for you using GPS and I know it will be really helpful once I work my way up to running on the trails.  It's call Runtastic, and the free version is all I need, but I will probably consider upgrading once I start running outside because it will give reminders over my music telling me how far I've gone, and I like that!  Anyway, it is also really cool to see the distance you've walked on a map.  We have been walking over 5 miles, and while we are pretty pooped after each one, its getting easier.  Someday, I'm gonna make us walk the whole thing again, and we're gonna handle it like pros.  :)

I also found a blog of a girl who lost over 100 pounds, and was running, too.  She's at her goal weight now and also had the skin removal surgery.  I was going through her posts about her surgery, and honestly, it made me question if I really wanted to put myself through that.  She posted pictures of her incisions,the drains, etc.....and even as a nurse, it was a bit much for me.  It made have scared me off from thinking about surgery, but I'm sure later on when the sagging skin is far more of a problem for me, that could change.  Nonetheless, I love reading about other people who have made it through the 100+ pound weight loss journey and are looking great.  It is very motivating for me to see people who were once my size, and are now are at their goal or near it.  I realize I am very early on in my journey, but I already feel like I've made so much progress.  33.4 pounds lost, and I'm running, and wearing sizes I haven't been able to fit into in is almost hard for me to believe sometimes.

I am feeling really good, though.  My knee isn't hurting me.  My feet hurt still, but I feel like its improving.  I haven't given up, I have kept going despite my moments of feeling like I'm tired of not being able to eat whatever I want or that working out is for the birds.  I am looking forward to being able to wait in line for a roller coaster without worrying if they are going to have a hard time getting me buckled in.  Or not having to ask for a seat belt extender when we fly somewhere.  I am reallllly looking forward to not being restricted to only shopping at a few stores.  I am really happy with the progress I've made, so far, and can't wait for making more!

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