Distractions and procrastination got the best of me today. Fluids and Electrolytes is not an easy read........its a concept I understand, but I just hate reading it. However, if I must be distracted by something, flipping through each and every single page of my big fat medical dictionary to look at the pictures is still academically related, so its not entirely bad. However, watching this video 5 times probably would not be in the same category:
I thought this was so cute!! How could you not watch it over and over again??
So, I am still disappointed in my productivity today, but like Mike keeps telling me, this is just the first week. I just need to find my stride. Which is so true, once I get into straight study mode, I'll be good. I am also trying to adjust to my schedule change from working most of the week, to class and studying most of the week.
I will wake up early tomorrow instead of sleeping in, and go to the gym as early as I can. That way I can come home and get down to business. I will probably have to study on Saturday or Sunday, too, but that's ok. I need to be thankful that I have that time available to me. I don't even know what I would do if I was working more than Saturdays!!
You can do it, baby! Just keep looking forward...there's a lot of semester left for you to shine. =) I love you!!