Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Again.....Completely Exhuasted!

Start time today was 8:00, and I was ready to leave the house by 7:20. I thought I had PLENTY of time to run to Starbucks and get back to school in time. Of course, I wasn't including the LONG line of people who would be there, and also the ridiculous traffic going North on Roselle Rd. I didn't want to be late, and tick off the powers that be and make them think I'm horribly irresponsible. Luckily, I got there right on time.

Dr. L was ok, class seemed like it took for-evvvv-errr. But it could have been worse I guess. We also had our orientation to 112/Lab. Barb #2 was nice, and seemed to understand the overload we are getting ourselves into.

And yes, I went to the gym today....finally! It wasn't bad, and the fitness center at school had plenty of machines. I worked out on the elliptical machine for 45 minutes. It felt pretty good.

As a result of my busy day, I am completely pooped again. I had these beautiful plans of studying Monday and Tuesday nights, but it didn't happen this week. Maybe once I get used to the schedule, it will be easier.......but I was just so tired after I got cleaned up and ate dinner. And Annie, one of the cats here, demanded my attention for well over an hour. And I didn't mind, she's a bit of a loner, and it tickles me pink that she has let me pet her since we moved in, and she even purred a little bit for me today, which she rarely does. Something about it just makes me feel good that she thinks I'm ok. Saying she likes me feels like it might be an overstatement without further evidence. lol.

Tomorrow I have to call and order my scrubs for clinicals, evidently my special hips need a specially-made scrub top. I am going to go to the gym in the morning, and then I have Microbiology at 1:00. And luckily its my only class, so I hope to not be so exhausted tomorrow. I also have all day Thursday and Friday to do all of my reading and studying for next week. So I guess I'm forgiving myself a little bit for not doing a whole lot of studying tonight and last night. At least I'm not having to catch up on the reading that was lectured on THIS week.

Well, my hubby is staring at me because he's as tired as I am and he needs his manly sleep. Ha, see, I need my beauty sleep, and he needs his........oh nevermind. I'm a goof.


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