Friday, August 20, 2010

3 is the Magic Number...Yes It is!

Oh Jack Johnson, thank you for all of your help studying today.....wouldn't have been able to do it without you!

I slept in way later than I meant to today, but I was pretty tired and I think trying to study would have been a lot harder if I had gotten up at the original time. But I was really good about getting out of the house as fast I could (which normally takes FOREVER!). I got some breakfast and headed to school. I got my nifty little clinical ID badge, and dropped off my CPR certification. Then the studying began. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I was feeling really on edge and couldn't concentrate on my reading for like an hour or so. It was a struggle, but Jack J helped me mellow out and I got a lot of reading done. I have some more reading to do for Nursing Concepts, and apparently not gonna be doing any reading for Micro because the teacher still hasn't posted our syllabus. Oh well, less for me to do this weekend.

I also tried to watch this interactive DVD, Professor Nightingale's Test Taking Tips....but I didn't get the remote for the TV, and its impossible to get through the dvd without it. So I'll have to go back, maybe after school on Monday or Tuesday. I can only find short samples of it here and there online, and I'm not paying $30 at Barnes and Noble to watch something once.

*Gah* Just checked Blackboard, our teacher JUST posted our course online. So I guess that's what I will be doing on Sunday! Definitely going out for drinks tomorrow and celebrating one last night of freedom with my hubby if I am going to be chained to my books Sunday.

Well, I need to start printing out stuff or Microbiology now that our course is posted on Blackboard, and then Mike will be home so we can go on our weekly grocery shopping date!

Just 3 more days!

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