Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All Done!

I had the last class of the week today. Microbiology wasn't as interesting as I was hoping it would be. I was disappointed in my culture, hardly anything grew on it! Everyone else had tons of stuff on theirs! Oh well. At least its over with. I also went to the gym again today, even though I really didn't want to. I have to keep doing it though, only good things will come from it. I am considering incorporating my weight loss (hopefully I will lose, not gain!) in with my posts about school.

Our teacher yesterday said something that definitely struck a chord with me, "Take care of yourself". It's important that I have some balance, and exercise will definitely help contribute to keeping me healthy.....and looking good in scrubs is a definite plus! So while I don't intend this to be a weight loss blog, I think it will be good to celebrate my little victories in getting myself to the gym and seeing some results.

In a sorta related topic, I ordered my scrubs today. I had them custom make a set for me, because I'm one size on top, and another on the bottom. It was way more expensive, but I need to be comfortable and feel like I don't look too horrible in my scrubs. So whatever.

I have the next two days free to get all of my reading and studying done. I really would like to get in some free/fun time with Mike this weekend. So hopefully I can get it done!

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