Tuesday, August 10, 2010

13 Days to Go!

Today is the last day of a 5 day weekend from work. I wanted to take this time to spend as much quality time with Mike as I could, but also get some Bear-time to myself. I slept in late this morning, and it feels good to have a day where no one is home and its just me. Days like this don't come as often, which is ok, but when you are used to having them, and they disappear, it takes a lot of getting used to.

I got my shoes ordered for clinicals. I got a pair of Dansko's from the Walking Store. I had a pair of shoes very similar to these when I worked in the bagel bakery, and I was on my feet all day, and I seriously don't remember my feet ever hurting. They are very comfortable shoes, and I am not buying a million different pairs of white shoes over the next 2 years. One pair that is of good quality should last me for the next 2 years.

This week I have my CPR class to re-up my certification for the next two years. The class is from 6-10, and its going to make for a very long long day. Atleast I will have it out of the way. So, other than my physical and shot, and turning in my insurance verification, and paying for my random drug screening, I think I am good. Oh, and buying my scrubs for clinicals, but they are bringing in samples for us, and I'd like to try them on before I order.

I also got school supplies yesterday! I LOVE new school supplies. It is the best part of going back to school!! I got lots of post-it notes, book marker sticky thingys, huge 3 ring binders, dividers, and my standard 5 Star notebook. I am trying my best to think of ways to minimize what I am carting to school with me everyday. I figure I can print power points and keep them in the 3 ring binder, and then on the day of class bring the power point printouts meant for that day in a folder. Then I'll have my notebook to take any additional notes on. So when I get home, I can return the printouts to the binder, and transfer my notes from that day over as well.

I might have to modify my plan, but again, I always feel better having a plan in place. I am hoping to be as productive as I can during the week, so that I can spend more time with Mikey on the weekends. However, the fact that there are tests EVERY OTHER WEEK in pathophysiology is a bit scary, and we have our first test after 2 weeks of class in NUR 110, and I have no idea what's going on in Micro yet, I'm down right terrified of the amount studying I will be doing or the hours of sleep I will be losing.

Oh, and I also got the idea in my head that the lady who was kind of mean to me in the Health Services office because I was getting my TB test done early, MIGHT be my lab instructor this first semester. I seriously couldn't sleep because I was so worried about it. Nursing school is hard enough even with the teachers on your side, but I'm sure its even worse if they don't like you. I am hoping this is a case of my brain working too hard to find things to worry about, because it wasn't really obvious that these women were one in the same. I feel I shouldn't be too worried, because I didn't get crappy with anyone, I wasn't doing anything that I was specifically told not to do, I made an appointment that day, I didn't just walk in and bombard the staff with my arrival, and I know I am not the only one of my classmates that is getting it done before hand. The only thing I am of guilty of is being weird and anal when it comes to getting these pre-nursing school errands done early.

I am deathly afraid of making any of my instructors or future instructors ticked off at me. My basic pharmacology teacher this past summer was awful, her instructions were unclear, she was awful at giving us proper guidance, and she just seemed annoyed that we were confused with her unclear syllabus. I felt very annoyed, and many times did I feel like getting snotty with her, but I didn't because I realize she could at some point be my instructor (she is a nursing instructor but luckily for the LPN program right now that I can see and not the RN program), and I need the teachers to like me as much as possible.....so I kept myself in check.

You always hear horror stories of how nursing instructors berate and humiliate their students, and while I've met most of my teachers, and I don't get the feeling that they would be this way, I recognize it could happen. However, I guess the best defense is to be on top of my game, and try my best to not make any mistakes.

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