Thursday, August 12, 2010

1 and 2 and 3 and breath!!

Yep, I'm now CPR certified for another 2 years. I wasn't looking forward to working 9 to 5, and then having my CPR class from 6 to 10 tonight. Luckily, the instructors went through everything with us pretty quickly because we were all re-certifying, no one was a newbie. However, I seriously doubt the weird guy that sat next to me was re-certifying....because he was getting it all kinds of wrong.

It feels really really weird being a week and half from school starting. Next week....last week of full time work!! There was a girl in the class tonight that had just graduated from Harper, so we had a little bit of nursing school chat. I needs to get me a NCLEX review book, like NOW. I will NOT fail my first nursing test. I know I need to just worry about passing the program, but I don't want to start out failing. I'd rather build up a cushion in case something tough comes up along the way. She mentioned that everyone did poorly on the first test, and another girl I know that just started this past spring said she failed the first test. I just can't bear the thought of failing!!


So.....Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 7 work days left until I'm officially part-time worker, and full-time learner!

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