I made it through this school week alive. My body has not made it easy, however, let me assure you. I ate something bad on Sunday morning, and so I was sick to my stomach most of the day. Then that night, I had an awful case of heartburn/burning in the back of my throat. I woke up Monday morning feeling congested in my throat/chest, but I didn't feel sick, just annoyed. It was like I had something in my throat that I couldn't get out. I got home Monday afternoon and just started to feel awful. I went to bed pretty early after taking a hot shower and trying to hack out whatever was causing me discomfort. I woke up Tuesday with a wheezing sound and hardly any voice. Again, a super hot shower helped a lot, and I actually went to school for a study session for our nursing final.
Speaking of which, it wasn't too productive. I think we were all just over the class already, and are already in the mindset of what is to come next week when our next nursing classes begin, along with clincicals. Atleast that is how I felt. So, I was feeling better and decided to destress with the girls and go see a movie. We saw Life as We Know It. It was pretty cute. I should have gone home and rested, because being out and about for so long really zapped all of the energy I had, and I started feeling awful again. Of course, we had our Nur 110 final this morning, bright and early at 7:00 a.m.!! So I was having a mini-panic that I needed to study more, and I was going to try to pull an all-nighter, but I just didn't have it in me.
Our final was hard, but I didn't find it impossible. I don't feel like I aced it, but I don't think I flunked it either, and that's all that really matters at this time. I did manage to get a 96% on my Patho test, so that had made my day! Of course, going to school looking like death/ass and feeling even worse has sucked. I wasn't going to go to Micro lab today, but then my buddy reminded me about the quiz, so I ran off to class as quick as I could. It definitely is a life saver only being 5 minutes away from campus.
On the plus side, I am actually feeling hungry right now. I haven't eaten an actual meal since lunchtime on Monday. Eating some mozzarella sticks yesterday was something I paid for dearly. So other than coffee, or the random granola bar here or there, I haven't eaten anything. But I am definitely craving some fajitas right now, so once my honey is done mowing the lawn, IT'S ON!
I just hope that its a good sign that my body is finally kicking into gear to fight this crud and that I'll start feeling better very very soon! I need to be able to study for my micro test on Monday, and also enjoy my Pedicure that I am supposed to be getting tomorrow!!
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