Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I no longer make decisions in my own life!

So, before I explain the title here, let me just celebrate! I got an A on my latest Patho exam, which I wasn't expecting. I figured I got a B, but I'm not complaining!! However, my excitement over my grade was very short lived because I checked my e-mail.

We all got this lovely e-mail from the program secretary telling us what classes we are to register for next semester. Now I know what you are thinking, "Duh, someone needs to let you know so you pick the right classes!". We were told what class, what day, what time, and where at. We had no choice whatsoever in how we wanted to arrange our schedules next semester. Oh, actually, sorry, I lied. We have been granted the ability to pick between Mon or Tues for our Physical Assessment class. Half of us are taking Med/Surg or Adult Health Concepts, and the other half are taking Psych concepts for the first 8 weeks of spring semester. Psych is supposed to be easier than Med/Surg, so we all wanted to get Med/Surg out of the way. However, the powers that be decided to take that decision away from us.

I was also super worried because it meant my study group could be split up, or I could be singled out. I need my study group girls!!! So, I was panicking until I realized most of us were on the same schedule. I just wish that I was able to consolidate my days a little bit for the 2nd 8 weeks where I will have to be at clinicals or lecture 4 days a week, plus whatever lab practice time I need to do on my own.

So there are definitely pros and cons, and I think its more pros than cons. I was just pretty upset about not getting to decide on my own. Maybe some of us want to try out each hospital so we have experience with all of them? First come, First served. That's how the classes and clinical assignments should be decided.

Oh well, I should just be happy that I have survived so far, and that I only have 6 weeks until this semester is over with. I could have been one of the 15 unfortunate people who didn't survive the first 8 weeks.

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