I have my first TB test and blood draw for titers scheduled for next week, and I'm all signed up for my CPR class. I have also arranged for 4 days that I can go the skills lab and practice for my CNA skills test. I have also gotten 2 out of 21 of the modules on HealthStream done....would have been more but the site went down for maintenance right as I was gonna start module #3!!
And I feel good!
See.....I'm a planner. I LOVE having tasks to do, and planning out when they will get done and writing them down in my little calendar. I hate waiting for answers, because that delays my ability to plan!! This doesn't mean I always stick to my plan 100% of the time, but having a plan in the first place makes it easier for me to alter things when the need arises. It makes me feel good to get things done, get all my ducks in a row, and whatever I can do to avoid that getting things done at the last minute feeling!!
I know I just posted yesterday, but I have to say.......I am pretty nervous about the CNA skills test. Not because I don't feel I am competent in my skills, but more because I'm worried one little nervous error (like forgetting to put a water pitcher on the patient's bedside table) will mean all this work and sacrifice (and not just on my part, my husband and In-Laws are in on this with me) was in vain. To be so close and then hear "Sorry Erica......" would be completely devastating at this point.
So, I moved up my testing date to the 5th, instead of the 10th, because I just want to get it over with so I can either finally celebrate the fact that I am REALLY starting nursing school, or start to recover and work my ass off for hopefully the next semester. I know I should be more positive when it comes to this, but I just refuse to be cocky about this. I refuse to be that girl who thinks she is just so awesome, and doesn't have anything to worry about because momma's got it in the bag. That is just not me. I think there is some real danger in having that kind of attitude when it comes to this profession, because your cockiness could lead to an error that could mean serious harm or death for a patient......and that's just unacceptable.
I don't want to come off like I believe everyone should think they suck. I just think we should be aware of the things that we don't know, and to not pretend to know in order to save face. I'd rather be embarrassed in front of my instructor when I don't know the answer to something she asks me, because I sure as hell will know next time!!
I also really, really, REALLY wish they would update the bookstore website to show that our books are available......even though it really is an obscene dollar amount for books!! I just want to have my books, to look at them and start to see what's in store for me, but maybe by next week they will be ready. *fingers crossed*
So, my day tomorrow is pretty filled with errands or tasks...like turning in my background check application and reviewing CNA skill videos online. Fun, right?
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