Wednesday, July 14, 2010

40 Days

Yep, that's right! I have 40 days left until I am officially a nursing student! I guess you could technically call me one now since I've had orientation, and I already have nursing assignments to do, but I'm not calling it a done deal until my butt is at a desk on the 1st day of my nursing classes!

I decided to start this blog to document my journey through nursing school. My life is going to be pretty consumed for the 2 years with homework, readings, begging people to let me practice skills on them, etc. I want to keep my friends and family up to date on how everything is going, so I figured this would be the best way to do that.

I really do consider myself to be extremely blessed that this opportunity has been given to me, and that I am in a position to be able to focus primarily on school. My husband and I moved in with his parents so that I could cut back on work, which I am extremely grateful to them for being so generous. I will only be working on Saturdays at my current job, and I'm happy and sad at the same time. I have been there for 3 years, and I love what I do at my job. However, it can be pretty stressful at times as well, and I'm looking forward to the break.

Things on my current task list to prepare for school include: physical, TB tests, blood titers test, any shots that I need, re-do my CPR certification, background check, get ID badge, practice my CNA skills (we are being tested on them, and if we fail, we don't get to go into the program) and do a series of online modules on Healthstream. Oh, and shell out an obscene amount of money on books for just the Fall semester.

Lots to do, but I am excited about planning it all out and getting it done!!

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