Thank goodness I went to skill lab today!! We did group session again today, and Barb told me I gave her chills because I did such a good job on my skill!! After we did one round, she said those of us that felt we were ready could do our skill check today!!
I had to leave the group, and promise not to discuss the test with anyone. And a moment of panic set in.....what if I get PPE?? Or Peri-Care!! I haven't practiced those things yet!! Darn it! Why did I volunteer to test early!?!?
But then I picked my skill, and it was one I was perfectly OK with. I passed, and I am SOOOO happy to have this out of the way!! I can now truly celebrate that I am a nursing student!! I just have to finish my health requirements, which my physical is in Sept, so I'm good with that.
I think I am going to relax the rest of the week, and start studying next week or the week after for my NURSING (is that obnoxious enough for you!) classes.
OH, and books were brought down a little bit thanks to an error at the bookstore. So that made me feel a little bit better about my sticker shock yesterday! However, I think my vastus lateralis is hurts now! :( Darn heavy nursing books!!
Oh happy days, I can't even describe how happy I feel to be done with the CNA skills test!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I was worried about $800??!?!
Hmm....that's odd that I was fretting over $800 the other day. That would have been MUCH better than the $1,000 bill I was given yesterday! I haven't figured out yet why it was so much more, but I was in horrible sticker shock when I got home. It was so bad I was getting sick.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have my books! However, when the big huge tote bag I bring with me to the bookstore to carry ALL of my books is now only carrying HALF of the load, panic starts to set in. I managed to get them out to my car somehow, and when I got home, I unloaded them all. In addition to the sticker shock, The sheer size and quantity of books is overwhelming. I really had a moment of "What the fluff did I get myself into?", and to make it even worse, there are MORE books I still need to get.
I guess its just hard because I'm used to have one or two books for a semester, and I already have 9 books, and probably 1 or 2 more to go. It's hard to picture how this needs to work out so I can do well, because I don't have all of my syllabuses for my classes yet.
I need to just focus on getting through my CNA skills test. I did get all of my healthstream modules done! I also found out I have to get a Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) booster shot.....darned immune system.
On a completely unrelated-to-nursing-school note, Mike and I got to do some really fun things recently. Saturday, we went to see Jack Johnson at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin. It was an amazing show, and I'd love to see him again in concert! Also, last night, we went to see two of my favorite authors speak, Jen Lancaster and Jennifer Weiner. I got to meet both of them, take pictures with them, and have my books signed by them. And they had cupcakes for all of us afterwards! They were also hilarious! I can't believe this was a free event, because I would have gladly paid to see them!!
Anyway, so today I am working another half day, and then I am off to school for more skills practice. I feel hesitant to go, and I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. Luckily, I promised to make a copy of my CNA skill book for one of my classmates, and she will be there today, so I have to go. I really want to sit down and watch the videos of the skills on the state's website, but too much time is being spent on having fun, right? =)
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have my books! However, when the big huge tote bag I bring with me to the bookstore to carry ALL of my books is now only carrying HALF of the load, panic starts to set in. I managed to get them out to my car somehow, and when I got home, I unloaded them all. In addition to the sticker shock, The sheer size and quantity of books is overwhelming. I really had a moment of "What the fluff did I get myself into?", and to make it even worse, there are MORE books I still need to get.
I guess its just hard because I'm used to have one or two books for a semester, and I already have 9 books, and probably 1 or 2 more to go. It's hard to picture how this needs to work out so I can do well, because I don't have all of my syllabuses for my classes yet.
I need to just focus on getting through my CNA skills test. I did get all of my healthstream modules done! I also found out I have to get a Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) booster shot.....darned immune system.
On a completely unrelated-to-nursing-school note, Mike and I got to do some really fun things recently. Saturday, we went to see Jack Johnson at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin. It was an amazing show, and I'd love to see him again in concert! Also, last night, we went to see two of my favorite authors speak, Jen Lancaster and Jennifer Weiner. I got to meet both of them, take pictures with them, and have my books signed by them. And they had cupcakes for all of us afterwards! They were also hilarious! I can't believe this was a free event, because I would have gladly paid to see them!!
Anyway, so today I am working another half day, and then I am off to school for more skills practice. I feel hesitant to go, and I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. Luckily, I promised to make a copy of my CNA skill book for one of my classmates, and she will be there today, so I have to go. I really want to sit down and watch the videos of the skills on the state's website, but too much time is being spent on having fun, right? =)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Holy Cow!!

However, I quickly was in shock at the price. Over $800 in books for ONE semester!??! Are you messing with me?
I have never had a book bill this high in my entire college life. One girl tried pricing them out, and she found them for only $100 cheaper, but she was still missing one book, so who knows if its any cheaper to go anywhere else. Plus, I am using financial aid, and I'm stuck going through Harper's bookstore anyway.
However, the price was not enough for me to not want to rush out the door and go pick them up immediately. The fact that campus is not open on Fridays during the summer was, though.
Today, I will work on my health modules, I've gotten 11 of the 21 out of the way, and if I'm lucky maybe I can get the other 10 done before my hubby comes home!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
How Rude *pouty face*
Today was my second day of skill practice at school. I wish I didn't get so nervous.....because I start sweating like a dog and make stupid mistakes. I only had about an hour or so to practice today, and I wanted to get some time in working on the mannequin's and their vitals. Barb came and programmed it for me and told me to have it and come get her when I was done. I did good on pulse and respirations, but my BP was slightly off. I guess I'm letting the air out too fast, and I'm missing the systolic. So that in addition to nerves causing me my brain to mix up numbers, and I kept getting the wrong numbers!!
Luckily, I kept at it and she checked me off for my vitals. So half of my skills test is finished.....let me get an easy skill to demonstrate please oh please, good gracious god almighty!! I am feeling a lot better about it. I will still be going in the next two tuesdays to harm in extra practice, right?
So....I got out of there really quick, so I went to update my address with the registration office, done! Then I figured I'd go to the health center to see if they could take me early for my blood draw and TB reading. The phlebotomist was so nice, I'm sad I forgot her name.....but she was so pleasant that I didn't mind she was about to draw out 3 vials of my blood from me.
However, my visit to the health center turned bothersome rather quickly. Another lady who didn't even introduce herself did my TB reading while the phlebotomist was getting ready. I asked her when I should schedule my next TB test, and she didn't like that apparently. She made it seem like it was a huge problem that I was doing my TB test now instead of waiting until classes start. I politely told her I wasn't told it would be a problem, as we don't have to go through them at all. She tried to say it wasn't a problem, but obviously it was, because what if ALL of the nursing students bombard the health center.....they won't be scheduled properly. I left feeling upset that I was given that type of attitude just because I'm weird and anal about getting these things done early.
She also told me I only needed a one step TB test since they already had a two step TB test on file from last year. I don't feel so good about this, because I don't see that ANYWHERE on the website or in information packet they gave us that this is acceptable. But, the Health Center IS in charge of clearing us for our health requirements for I'm sure they wouldn't give me incorrect information, but I'm pretty uneasy accepting it just yet.
So....technically my weekend is here, no work tomorrow!! WooHoo!! But I would really like to get a lot of these health modules out of the way, so I guess I'll be doing homework.
Luckily, I kept at it and she checked me off for my vitals. So half of my skills test is finished.....let me get an easy skill to demonstrate please oh please, good gracious god almighty!! I am feeling a lot better about it. I will still be going in the next two tuesdays to harm in extra practice, right?
So....I got out of there really quick, so I went to update my address with the registration office, done! Then I figured I'd go to the health center to see if they could take me early for my blood draw and TB reading. The phlebotomist was so nice, I'm sad I forgot her name.....but she was so pleasant that I didn't mind she was about to draw out 3 vials of my blood from me.
However, my visit to the health center turned bothersome rather quickly. Another lady who didn't even introduce herself did my TB reading while the phlebotomist was getting ready. I asked her when I should schedule my next TB test, and she didn't like that apparently. She made it seem like it was a huge problem that I was doing my TB test now instead of waiting until classes start. I politely told her I wasn't told it would be a problem, as we don't have to go through them at all. She tried to say it wasn't a problem, but obviously it was, because what if ALL of the nursing students bombard the health center.....they won't be scheduled properly. I left feeling upset that I was given that type of attitude just because I'm weird and anal about getting these things done early.
She also told me I only needed a one step TB test since they already had a two step TB test on file from last year. I don't feel so good about this, because I don't see that ANYWHERE on the website or in information packet they gave us that this is acceptable. But, the Health Center IS in charge of clearing us for our health requirements for I'm sure they wouldn't give me incorrect information, but I'm pretty uneasy accepting it just yet.
So....technically my weekend is here, no work tomorrow!! WooHoo!! But I would really like to get a lot of these health modules out of the way, so I guess I'll be doing homework.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
So I guess I haven't been exposed to TB yet!
It's been 2 days almost now, and all I have is a tiny bruise from the redness or bumpiness. I'm happy about that, I'd rather not go through the chest x-rays and more extensive testing that they make you go through if your test shows a positive result. Tomorrow I am getting a blood draw to check for titers, or immunity to certain diseases. I am hoping for not having to have any more shots than necessary.....I just don't like them.
Any who.....I figured I'd give a little bit of a back story on why I decided to go to nursing school....because everyone has one. At least they should anyway!!
When I was in high school, I was dead-set on being a psychiatrist. I took Latin, all the biology classes I could manage, and went to college fairs because I was so serious about that being my destination. I knew in order to be a psychiatrist I would have to go to med school in order to prescribe medications, and I had no fear about it. I had always been told by my friends that I was a great listener and that this was what I was meant to do.
Of course, life doesn't always work out the way you plan it. Once I realized that psychiatrists didn't really get to sit and talk with their patients on a regular basis, I decided I didn't want that. I didn't want to just treat people with medication, I wanted to listen to them, and help guide them onto a better path. So, I decided I would be a therapist instead. And started taking psychology classes when I started college.
Of course, my 2nd year, I had a seminar class on professions in psychology. I realized I'd have to go to grad school, and then get my doctorate to really be competitive in the field. This would involve experiments, research, writing to be published in psychology journals.....for 8-10 years of my life.....and still not have a stable job or income. Applying all of these theories I was learning about to my future patients just wasn't what I wanted. Why does talking and listening to someone about their problems have to be so technical, and why do they have to labeled and fit into a neat little square box of theories!?!?
I was also finding myself pretty jealous of my friends who only had to do 4 years of school, and then they would have a job!! They were hire-able right out of college! I just wasn't happy with the road psychology would take me down, and I was re-evaluating my decisions about school.
Going back a couple of years.......My senior year of high school, I started working for my grandmother. She owned a boarding home for senior citizens, and I would be responsible for making beds, doing laundry, cleaning, assisting with meals, doing activities for the residents, and assisting with getting them dressed, showered, etc. I was pretty desperate for a job, and I figured it couldn't be that bad.
My first day.....I had to help a resident named Jeannette get dressed for the day. She could do very little for herself, and I was pretty nervous as I have never done anything like this before. I was pretty depressed that first day, and didn't think I would last very long because I just didn't think I could handle seeing people in such a state where they couldn't even dress themselves!!
However, I still kept going in for my shifts, even after getting pretty ill after my first weekend there. I started to get to know the residents, Harold, Floyd, Vera, Violet, Mary, Anna, Jeannette, and Frances. They all had different qualities that I loved about all of them. Once I built a relationship with them, getting them changed for bed, or showered up, wasn't so bad, because I didn't think about the task itself, it was more about taking care of them.
I realize now.....that I should have had more training than I did, and that there were some things that I shouldn't have been doing at all. I wasn't a registered CNA, and the home nurses that would come to look after some of the patients would have us do things like push meds through an IM port....this just shouldn't have happened. Vitals should have been taken, and things that I probably don't even know yet.
However....I only quit because I was going away to school, and some shady attempts to lower my pay was unacceptable. I was sad to leave. I was scared the residents would feel I was deserting them, and I would miss them so much. As tough and challenging as the job could have been at times, and even scary or depressing when one of them was dying or died, I really enjoyed it. And these were the things I kept thinking about when I was evaluating what I wanted to do next since I had decided psychology wasn't for me.
I was at Eastern Illinois University at the time, and I was put in a situation where I had no choice but to go back home and take a break from school. And I started researching schools in Nashville, TN. I had decided that nursing school might be the answer I was looking for. Once I paid off my tuition bill at EIU, I could start school again. And I was pretty excited!!
Of course, life AGAIN, took a different path, and after a year of being home in TN, I moved to Chicago to be with my now-hubby Mike. I started attempting William Rainey Harper College. I started working on the classes I needed, and prepare to apply for the nursing program. Life was difficult at the time, I was working two jobs to support myself, I had some health problems, and of course adjusting to having a local relationship instead of a long distance relationship had its own sets of ups and downs. I wasn't doing very well in my classes because I was stretched too thin, and my financial aid was no more classes for me. =(
I was pretty disappointed in myself. I know I am a smart girl, and can do so much better than this! However, I had just started working in a dental office, so I talked myself into thinking this is what I should do the rest of my life since obviously school wasn't panning out. I really really really liked working the front desk, I felt I did really well at it. So I just started saying that I liked being on the business/paper side of things, and that I don't like blood (which is ridiculous, I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some ER reality television/reenactments)!
I got engaged to Mike, we were living together, and I didn't have to work two jobs anymore. I was really happy at my current dental office, and life was GOOD!! Sure, there were some stressful days, but I just felt content. However, May 2008 brought a huge change in our office, it doubled in staff due to a merger....and I was the lonely front desk girl facing a group of 4 front desk girls from their didn't start out so well, and I no longer felt too secure in my job. Also the big economy pooper happened later that year, and I was just anxious. I realized that my job could easily be taught to some young girl straight out of high school. I was also sick of the professional staff talking down to me like I am just the "dumb receptionist". I realized I am just as capable as them, and I'm not stupid, and maybe my brain power really is being wasted here punching in numbers and holding out my hand for money from patients.
Mike and I crunched some numbers, and realized we could manage to pay my tuition without any financial aid for a class or two a semester. I started with the CNA course last summer, then anatomy, then physiology. I retook Sociology and computer fundamentals, which were the classes that I had done poorly in before at Harper. I took the NLN, and I got a 91!! I was getting As in all of my classes. I realized I had a good shot of actually getting into Harper's RN program!! I originally planned to apply for the Spring 2011 start, but I managed to be accepted before my physiology class was completed, it was contingent on getting at least a C and I was in!!
I nearly cried!! And Mike's parents offered to let us move in with them so that we could avoid huge HUGE loans and also so I could stop working full time and focus on school. Everything within the last year just seems to be falling into place to allow me to go to school to be a nurse. I'm nervous as hell, but so excited at the same time. I realize that I am so blessed and truly fortunate to be in this situation, and its something I am thankful for everyday.
So this is all leading up to where I am today, taking TB tests, and practicing for my CNA skills test, and taking online modules on Healthstream. I just don't want anything to go wrong, because I feel I would be letting down those who have helped me get to this point, wasting this amazing opportunity!
Any who.....I figured I'd give a little bit of a back story on why I decided to go to nursing school....because everyone has one. At least they should anyway!!
When I was in high school, I was dead-set on being a psychiatrist. I took Latin, all the biology classes I could manage, and went to college fairs because I was so serious about that being my destination. I knew in order to be a psychiatrist I would have to go to med school in order to prescribe medications, and I had no fear about it. I had always been told by my friends that I was a great listener and that this was what I was meant to do.
Of course, life doesn't always work out the way you plan it. Once I realized that psychiatrists didn't really get to sit and talk with their patients on a regular basis, I decided I didn't want that. I didn't want to just treat people with medication, I wanted to listen to them, and help guide them onto a better path. So, I decided I would be a therapist instead. And started taking psychology classes when I started college.
Of course, my 2nd year, I had a seminar class on professions in psychology. I realized I'd have to go to grad school, and then get my doctorate to really be competitive in the field. This would involve experiments, research, writing to be published in psychology journals.....for 8-10 years of my life.....and still not have a stable job or income. Applying all of these theories I was learning about to my future patients just wasn't what I wanted. Why does talking and listening to someone about their problems have to be so technical, and why do they have to labeled and fit into a neat little square box of theories!?!?
I was also finding myself pretty jealous of my friends who only had to do 4 years of school, and then they would have a job!! They were hire-able right out of college! I just wasn't happy with the road psychology would take me down, and I was re-evaluating my decisions about school.
Going back a couple of years.......My senior year of high school, I started working for my grandmother. She owned a boarding home for senior citizens, and I would be responsible for making beds, doing laundry, cleaning, assisting with meals, doing activities for the residents, and assisting with getting them dressed, showered, etc. I was pretty desperate for a job, and I figured it couldn't be that bad.
My first day.....I had to help a resident named Jeannette get dressed for the day. She could do very little for herself, and I was pretty nervous as I have never done anything like this before. I was pretty depressed that first day, and didn't think I would last very long because I just didn't think I could handle seeing people in such a state where they couldn't even dress themselves!!
However, I still kept going in for my shifts, even after getting pretty ill after my first weekend there. I started to get to know the residents, Harold, Floyd, Vera, Violet, Mary, Anna, Jeannette, and Frances. They all had different qualities that I loved about all of them. Once I built a relationship with them, getting them changed for bed, or showered up, wasn't so bad, because I didn't think about the task itself, it was more about taking care of them.
I realize now.....that I should have had more training than I did, and that there were some things that I shouldn't have been doing at all. I wasn't a registered CNA, and the home nurses that would come to look after some of the patients would have us do things like push meds through an IM port....this just shouldn't have happened. Vitals should have been taken, and things that I probably don't even know yet.
However....I only quit because I was going away to school, and some shady attempts to lower my pay was unacceptable. I was sad to leave. I was scared the residents would feel I was deserting them, and I would miss them so much. As tough and challenging as the job could have been at times, and even scary or depressing when one of them was dying or died, I really enjoyed it. And these were the things I kept thinking about when I was evaluating what I wanted to do next since I had decided psychology wasn't for me.
I was at Eastern Illinois University at the time, and I was put in a situation where I had no choice but to go back home and take a break from school. And I started researching schools in Nashville, TN. I had decided that nursing school might be the answer I was looking for. Once I paid off my tuition bill at EIU, I could start school again. And I was pretty excited!!
Of course, life AGAIN, took a different path, and after a year of being home in TN, I moved to Chicago to be with my now-hubby Mike. I started attempting William Rainey Harper College. I started working on the classes I needed, and prepare to apply for the nursing program. Life was difficult at the time, I was working two jobs to support myself, I had some health problems, and of course adjusting to having a local relationship instead of a long distance relationship had its own sets of ups and downs. I wasn't doing very well in my classes because I was stretched too thin, and my financial aid was no more classes for me. =(
I was pretty disappointed in myself. I know I am a smart girl, and can do so much better than this! However, I had just started working in a dental office, so I talked myself into thinking this is what I should do the rest of my life since obviously school wasn't panning out. I really really really liked working the front desk, I felt I did really well at it. So I just started saying that I liked being on the business/paper side of things, and that I don't like blood (which is ridiculous, I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some ER reality television/reenactments)!
I got engaged to Mike, we were living together, and I didn't have to work two jobs anymore. I was really happy at my current dental office, and life was GOOD!! Sure, there were some stressful days, but I just felt content. However, May 2008 brought a huge change in our office, it doubled in staff due to a merger....and I was the lonely front desk girl facing a group of 4 front desk girls from their didn't start out so well, and I no longer felt too secure in my job. Also the big economy pooper happened later that year, and I was just anxious. I realized that my job could easily be taught to some young girl straight out of high school. I was also sick of the professional staff talking down to me like I am just the "dumb receptionist". I realized I am just as capable as them, and I'm not stupid, and maybe my brain power really is being wasted here punching in numbers and holding out my hand for money from patients.
Mike and I crunched some numbers, and realized we could manage to pay my tuition without any financial aid for a class or two a semester. I started with the CNA course last summer, then anatomy, then physiology. I retook Sociology and computer fundamentals, which were the classes that I had done poorly in before at Harper. I took the NLN, and I got a 91!! I was getting As in all of my classes. I realized I had a good shot of actually getting into Harper's RN program!! I originally planned to apply for the Spring 2011 start, but I managed to be accepted before my physiology class was completed, it was contingent on getting at least a C and I was in!!
I nearly cried!! And Mike's parents offered to let us move in with them so that we could avoid huge HUGE loans and also so I could stop working full time and focus on school. Everything within the last year just seems to be falling into place to allow me to go to school to be a nurse. I'm nervous as hell, but so excited at the same time. I realize that I am so blessed and truly fortunate to be in this situation, and its something I am thankful for everyday.
So this is all leading up to where I am today, taking TB tests, and practicing for my CNA skills test, and taking online modules on Healthstream. I just don't want anything to go wrong, because I feel I would be letting down those who have helped me get to this point, wasting this amazing opportunity!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
That wasn't so bad......
Just got home from my first visit to the skill lab, and I have to say....I think I heart Barb the lab coordinator. There was a group of us level 1 newbies, and she did "group therapy" with us. It involved her giving us random CNA skills, and each of us doing one when it was our turn. It was helpful to see that I wasn't the only one who was nervous about it. She was awesome with us when we forgot things, and gave us hints when we were stumped. It really made me feel so much better doing this a group.
Another fellow newbie and I walked down to the bookstore to check if our books were in yet. See!! I wasn't the only one who's chomping at the bits for these books!! No books. But they should be in next Tuesday I think this chic is gonna have some new nursing books!! Yay!!
Oh, and Tuberculin is the stuff they use for the TB test....I remembered when I was getting ready for work today!
Anyway, back to skill lab. It was nice to be interacting with some of my soon-to-be classmates. It really was comforting to know that they are in the same boat as me, feeling nervous and anxious about this skills test. And it was also comforting that Barb was so great with us, she wasn't scary or intimidating.....and definitely seems approachable!!
So I left feeling pretty good, and so so so so SOOOOO excited about nursing school!!
Just got home from my first visit to the skill lab, and I have to say....I think I heart Barb the lab coordinator. There was a group of us level 1 newbies, and she did "group therapy" with us. It involved her giving us random CNA skills, and each of us doing one when it was our turn. It was helpful to see that I wasn't the only one who was nervous about it. She was awesome with us when we forgot things, and gave us hints when we were stumped. It really made me feel so much better doing this a group.
Another fellow newbie and I walked down to the bookstore to check if our books were in yet. See!! I wasn't the only one who's chomping at the bits for these books!! No books. But they should be in next Tuesday I think this chic is gonna have some new nursing books!! Yay!!
Oh, and Tuberculin is the stuff they use for the TB test....I remembered when I was getting ready for work today!
Anyway, back to skill lab. It was nice to be interacting with some of my soon-to-be classmates. It really was comforting to know that they are in the same boat as me, feeling nervous and anxious about this skills test. And it was also comforting that Barb was so great with us, she wasn't scary or intimidating.....and definitely seems approachable!!
So I left feeling pretty good, and so so so so SOOOOO excited about nursing school!!
1st TB Test Underway!!

Sorry the pic is a little blurry....dang camera phone.
So....who is getting her TB tests done now, even though they will be coming to our first few classes to do them for us as a group? Yep...that would be me. I wait for no one!!
Really....I just get anxious when there is a lot of little tasks on my to-do list, and I feel better crossing them off. Background check, done, 1st TB test, done, Read Mosby's Tour Guide to Nursing School, done. See how nice that sounds?? =)
I went to the student health center at Harper yesterday, and Gail, the RN giving me my TB test was so nice when she realized I was starting the nursing program. She started explaining to me what she was doing, how many doses are in each vial of TB test stuff (its 7:49 in the morning, the actual name for it won't come to me until later), and when I started bruising....she asked me about the Body Worlds exhibit. Awesome lady that Gail is. It made me feel pretty good that she was wanting to teach me. I go back on Thurs for my reading and to get a blood draw for blood titers, and I hope I see her again because she was really nice!
So today.....I work a half-day and then off to school to practice for my CNA skills test. I'm kind of mad at myself because I meant to review my CNA book on my skill procedures and watch the videos that the state CNA registry has on their website....but I zonked out! So I'm nervous going into the skills lab and practicing because its been a year since I've done any of this. I did practice my blood pressure and pulse on Mike last night....poor guy. =)
However, this will be an excellent opportunity to get to know the lab coordinators, Cathy and Barb, and hopefully get some of the things on my CNA skills test checked off early. I just don't want to look like an ignoramoose because I didn't keep fresh on my skills, instead I have been jamming different names of bones and organs, and Na+K+ pumps, and loops of Henle into my brain. Damn advisor telling me to take the CNA class first, I should have taken it last so it would be fresh in my brain! No, I take that back, I wouldn't be starting the program this fall had I not taken the CNA class last summer. We're cool, Ms. Advisor......I liked you a lot actually.
Speaking of advisors, the last one I had a meeting with before I registered for summer classes was a waste of time for me. She told me the basic pharmacology class would be too difficult for me, and basically turned down all of my ideas for classes I wanted to take. And ya know what!? I took the basic pharmacology class this summer, and another 3 credit hour class, and I got As biotch! Don't tell me I can't do something.....because I'm gonna try my hardest to prove you wrong.
*Sigh* Still no book update. I can't be the only one who is chomping at the bits to get these books!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A lot can be planned in 30 minutes!
I have my first TB test and blood draw for titers scheduled for next week, and I'm all signed up for my CPR class. I have also arranged for 4 days that I can go the skills lab and practice for my CNA skills test. I have also gotten 2 out of 21 of the modules on HealthStream done....would have been more but the site went down for maintenance right as I was gonna start module #3!!
And I feel good!
See.....I'm a planner. I LOVE having tasks to do, and planning out when they will get done and writing them down in my little calendar. I hate waiting for answers, because that delays my ability to plan!! This doesn't mean I always stick to my plan 100% of the time, but having a plan in the first place makes it easier for me to alter things when the need arises. It makes me feel good to get things done, get all my ducks in a row, and whatever I can do to avoid that getting things done at the last minute feeling!!
I know I just posted yesterday, but I have to say.......I am pretty nervous about the CNA skills test. Not because I don't feel I am competent in my skills, but more because I'm worried one little nervous error (like forgetting to put a water pitcher on the patient's bedside table) will mean all this work and sacrifice (and not just on my part, my husband and In-Laws are in on this with me) was in vain. To be so close and then hear "Sorry Erica......" would be completely devastating at this point.
So, I moved up my testing date to the 5th, instead of the 10th, because I just want to get it over with so I can either finally celebrate the fact that I am REALLY starting nursing school, or start to recover and work my ass off for hopefully the next semester. I know I should be more positive when it comes to this, but I just refuse to be cocky about this. I refuse to be that girl who thinks she is just so awesome, and doesn't have anything to worry about because momma's got it in the bag. That is just not me. I think there is some real danger in having that kind of attitude when it comes to this profession, because your cockiness could lead to an error that could mean serious harm or death for a patient......and that's just unacceptable.
I don't want to come off like I believe everyone should think they suck. I just think we should be aware of the things that we don't know, and to not pretend to know in order to save face. I'd rather be embarrassed in front of my instructor when I don't know the answer to something she asks me, because I sure as hell will know next time!!
I also really, really, REALLY wish they would update the bookstore website to show that our books are available......even though it really is an obscene dollar amount for books!! I just want to have my books, to look at them and start to see what's in store for me, but maybe by next week they will be ready. *fingers crossed*
So, my day tomorrow is pretty filled with errands or turning in my background check application and reviewing CNA skill videos online. Fun, right?
And I feel good!
See.....I'm a planner. I LOVE having tasks to do, and planning out when they will get done and writing them down in my little calendar. I hate waiting for answers, because that delays my ability to plan!! This doesn't mean I always stick to my plan 100% of the time, but having a plan in the first place makes it easier for me to alter things when the need arises. It makes me feel good to get things done, get all my ducks in a row, and whatever I can do to avoid that getting things done at the last minute feeling!!
I know I just posted yesterday, but I have to say.......I am pretty nervous about the CNA skills test. Not because I don't feel I am competent in my skills, but more because I'm worried one little nervous error (like forgetting to put a water pitcher on the patient's bedside table) will mean all this work and sacrifice (and not just on my part, my husband and In-Laws are in on this with me) was in vain. To be so close and then hear "Sorry Erica......" would be completely devastating at this point.
So, I moved up my testing date to the 5th, instead of the 10th, because I just want to get it over with so I can either finally celebrate the fact that I am REALLY starting nursing school, or start to recover and work my ass off for hopefully the next semester. I know I should be more positive when it comes to this, but I just refuse to be cocky about this. I refuse to be that girl who thinks she is just so awesome, and doesn't have anything to worry about because momma's got it in the bag. That is just not me. I think there is some real danger in having that kind of attitude when it comes to this profession, because your cockiness could lead to an error that could mean serious harm or death for a patient......and that's just unacceptable.
I don't want to come off like I believe everyone should think they suck. I just think we should be aware of the things that we don't know, and to not pretend to know in order to save face. I'd rather be embarrassed in front of my instructor when I don't know the answer to something she asks me, because I sure as hell will know next time!!
I also really, really, REALLY wish they would update the bookstore website to show that our books are available......even though it really is an obscene dollar amount for books!! I just want to have my books, to look at them and start to see what's in store for me, but maybe by next week they will be ready. *fingers crossed*
So, my day tomorrow is pretty filled with errands or turning in my background check application and reviewing CNA skill videos online. Fun, right?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
40 Days
Yep, that's right! I have 40 days left until I am officially a nursing student! I guess you could technically call me one now since I've had orientation, and I already have nursing assignments to do, but I'm not calling it a done deal until my butt is at a desk on the 1st day of my nursing classes!
I decided to start this blog to document my journey through nursing school. My life is going to be pretty consumed for the 2 years with homework, readings, begging people to let me practice skills on them, etc. I want to keep my friends and family up to date on how everything is going, so I figured this would be the best way to do that.
I really do consider myself to be extremely blessed that this opportunity has been given to me, and that I am in a position to be able to focus primarily on school. My husband and I moved in with his parents so that I could cut back on work, which I am extremely grateful to them for being so generous. I will only be working on Saturdays at my current job, and I'm happy and sad at the same time. I have been there for 3 years, and I love what I do at my job. However, it can be pretty stressful at times as well, and I'm looking forward to the break.
Things on my current task list to prepare for school include: physical, TB tests, blood titers test, any shots that I need, re-do my CPR certification, background check, get ID badge, practice my CNA skills (we are being tested on them, and if we fail, we don't get to go into the program) and do a series of online modules on Healthstream. Oh, and shell out an obscene amount of money on books for just the Fall semester.
Lots to do, but I am excited about planning it all out and getting it done!!
I decided to start this blog to document my journey through nursing school. My life is going to be pretty consumed for the 2 years with homework, readings, begging people to let me practice skills on them, etc. I want to keep my friends and family up to date on how everything is going, so I figured this would be the best way to do that.
I really do consider myself to be extremely blessed that this opportunity has been given to me, and that I am in a position to be able to focus primarily on school. My husband and I moved in with his parents so that I could cut back on work, which I am extremely grateful to them for being so generous. I will only be working on Saturdays at my current job, and I'm happy and sad at the same time. I have been there for 3 years, and I love what I do at my job. However, it can be pretty stressful at times as well, and I'm looking forward to the break.
Things on my current task list to prepare for school include: physical, TB tests, blood titers test, any shots that I need, re-do my CPR certification, background check, get ID badge, practice my CNA skills (we are being tested on them, and if we fail, we don't get to go into the program) and do a series of online modules on Healthstream. Oh, and shell out an obscene amount of money on books for just the Fall semester.
Lots to do, but I am excited about planning it all out and getting it done!!
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