Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What is that? Is that a B??

Yes, I have secured the highly treasured, and nearly impossible to obtain clinical score that is a lovely B. Our clinicals are not pass/fail. We were told in the beginning whent they showed us these lovely little forms, that we should not expect to get anything above a C for clinicals. Especially because this is our first semester, we're not able to do very many things at all independently. So.... I figured it was mathematically impossible for me to anything above a C. However, my instructor felt differently. I even got some 4s thrown into my mix of scores. I am super-dee-duper excited about this.

Oh, and I have my sweet lil A secured for Patho, and now I am just waiting on my 111 scores. There is a small chance I can get an A in that class, but I am not gonna hold my breath. I will probably get a B in that class, which is just fine with me! Bs are my new A, remember?

So I just have to finish up my micro final tomorrow, which is open-book, so I don't even have to worry about it. I am not going to get an A which getting a damned perfect score on the final. And I just don't feel like stressing myself out over her class, especially because she will have something wrong and won't change it no matter how much you argue it (or no matter how right you are). So, I can get 30 points and keep my B, which I am good with.

Thank goodness this semester is over with!! I have rocked it out, and am so happy with myself.

Tomorrow after my Micro final, Mike and I are going downtown to see the christmas lights and window displays. We have this every year since we got married, and I really look forward to the Macy's window display on State street. It's not just one window display, its like atleast 8, lol. It's amazing and very well done! But really, I am looking forward to just spending the time with him, and not stressing about the next test!

Oh, nursing school....you cause me so much stress, yet make me so happy at the same time!!

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