The past week has been pretty challenging for me. Every week is a test, a clinical day, assignments due, practice and reading to be done. If you stumble, its hard to catch up again. So, nursing school is hard enough even when your life is perfect, so imagine when life is not perfect.....its something worse than hell.
I have had some personal troubles that has killed my ability to focus or dare look at a book, much less open it. It will pass, I haven't lost a limb, no one has died, just personally upsetting. And it sucks when it happens right at crunch time for a test that is bright and early Tuesday morning. I haven't gotten my score from that test yet, but if I get a poor score I will not be upset. I deserved it because I let my personal life interfere with my studying. However, it didn't feel like it was that hard, and hopefully that is not from me not giving a shit in my emotional state.
I did have some inappropriate coping mechanism, AKA drinking, with the girls Tuesday night after our test. It really did help, as much as they say you shouldn't turn to drinking to deal with your troubles.....It sure as heck helped me! I am feeling much better, but it will take time.
Ok, so Student Nurse Bear Wisdom Statement time. Nursing school involves a LOT of waiting! Waiting to get the heck out of lecture, waiting for clinical to be the heck over, waiting for the test to be done, waiting for the test scores from said test, waiting for your clinical instructor to return your clinical self-evaluation to you, waiting for winter/summer break, etc.
So, tonight is the last night I'm giving myself freedom to deal with my life, but after this I have to get back on the horse. Holistic exam to be completed, micro quiz to be completed, reading and studying to be done for Patho test on Monday, practice my injections (which by the way, they are not as exciting as I thought they were going to be, boo!) Way too much to do!!
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